
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oldies But Goodies Blog Hop

Whew, has it really been a whole month since my last blog post?  Sometimes, you just need a little time away to rejuvinate your creativity.  DH and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with a little trip to beautiful Big Island Hawaii.  Of course, I had to catch some kind of flu (crud) on the last day of our trip.  I spent the following week on the couch and in my jammies.  Next time I fly, I must double up on the Airborne!

Today, I have teamed up with several of the gals from the Design Divas Facebook group to bring you our monthly OBG (oldies, but goodies) blog hop. For this hop, you need to use stamps and/or supplies that are at least 6 months old.  Yep, I got a lotta that "old" stuff that needs to be used up.   You should have arrived at my blog from Mary Griffith's awesome blog, if not be sure to go back there so that you don't miss a thing.

I used the adorable cake image from the Verve Big Wish set that came out last year (yep, it saw ink for the first time yesterday) and paired it with this weeks Mojo Monday sketch.  If you could see my Verve stash, you might think I was a hoarder.  Verve has to have some of the prettiest packaging and I just hate to open the stamps and get them inky!  Oh Lord, I need help!

I am going to send you on your way to Maria Matters' amazing blog.   I know she has something special for you to see. 

I'll be back soon,


  1. Gorgeous card, Melissa. It is so nicely detailed. The crocheted lace is so prett and goes so well with the image.

  2. oh this is beautiful Melissa! such a pretty design with your lace!!
    hugs & blessings

  3. Beautiful, Melissa!! I bet I have a bunch of stamps that have never seen ink!! Why is that?? I think all of us crafters are hoarders in our own way...
    But, at least most of it is pretty stuff!! Ribbons, papers, embellies!! ha ha
    Your card is great.. Congrats on your Anniversary!! Hawaii would have been awesome!!! Sorry you got sick!!

  4. congratulations on your anniversary and am glad you are feeling better.

    beautiful card!

  5. Melissa, this is so lovely! That cake is delicious and I can't believe it just now saw ink -- actually, I can because I am guilty of the same thing! Thank goodness for OBG so we can rescue these lovelies from the land of neglect!

  6. I just love how you threaded through the lace. This is very pretty!

  7. Ooh, Melissa, this is SO pretty!!! Great colors and I love that b/g paper!!

    From one hoarder to another, you did a great job!! Oh, and happy belated anniversary!

  8. Melissa this is beautiful! I love the colors and your design! You always add the perfect details to your cards!

  9. Beautiful card. The design paper and colors make it seem very now and sophisticated.

  10. Pretty card. Love the colors & all of the details you've added.

  11. Beautiful card! Great job! Love it! Olena

  12. mmmmmmm lovin that lace!
    Hawaii would be the PERFECT reason to not stamp (-:
    hope you're all well now!

  13. What a lovely birthday card! LOVE all the pretty details (:

  14. This is so pretty! Love the little sentiment flag and the bits of lace.


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