
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Five Years Old

I can't believe it, today my blog turns 5 years old.  When I sat down on New Year's Day 2007 I never would have dreamed that I would still be here and posting more than ever.  I am so thankful to each and everyone of you who come by for a visit or leave a comment.  Most of the time I share my love for stamping/cardmaking/papercrafting with you, but every now and then I throw in a little something about my wonderful family, the beautiful area where I live or the wild critters that roam through the property from time to time.  I hope you will stick with me for many years to come.  Here is hoping that all of your dreams and wishes will come true.  I know mine are :)

Be sure to come back tomorrow, I some exciting news to share.



  1. Congratulations Melissa!!! Happy New Year to you and yours............looking forward to your next 5 years........

  2. Congratulations and Happy B-log-irthday, Melissa!

  3. Congratulations on your 5-year blog anniversary, Melissa! That is some milestone! Looking forward to visiting often! Happy New Year!

  4. Congratulations on five years of blogging. I really enjoy visiting your blog.

  5. Congrats Melissa...five years have flown and I have watched from the beginning. You keep getting better and better!!!!!!!!! Make five years 10, then 15, etc. We will be watching. Happy New Year to you and yours. Keep sharing more of your family, area and creatures that come by and visit. Love it all. ekciampo


Thanks for looking and sharing some love! Your comments mean so much to me!