
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

RI WIW: DCC Fun Folds

Can you believe it, it is What If Wednesday again on The House That Stamps Built blog and my fellow Rock Star, Karen has challenged us to create a card/project with a fun fold.

I created a Matchbook style card for the challenge this week.  I stamped the Repeat Impressions Hot Air Balloon #9113-K in black ink and paper pieced some sections to match the background paper and filled in the rest with markers. 

I stamped the RI Dreams Take Flight #9117-F and Hot Air Balloon Cluster #9116-N in black ink and colored with markers.

Please be sure to stop by each of the Rock Star's blogs and check out what they created for Karen's challenge.

Once you have checked out each of the Rock Star's amazing projects, why not jump in and play along with the challenge, you could win a fabulous prize.

Head on over to The House That Stamps Built and check out all of the details.


  1. Love this card for my DCC! Did you use an envelope punch board to make the matchbook closers?

  2. I love this fancy and fun fold card. What a darling hot air balloon too! Great background papers used to decorate it as well.

  3. This is a great card, Melissa! Love the brightness of it.
    I hope to see you Maine! :)


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